Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Adverbs Describing WHERE

Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of place tell us where something happens. Adverbs of place are usually placed after the main verb or after the clause that they modify. Adverbs of place do not modify adjectives or other adverbs. Some examples of adverbs of place: here, everywhere, outside, away, around
  • John looked around but he couldn't see the monkey.
  • I searched everywhere I could think of.
  • I'm going back to school.
  • Come in!
  • They built a house nearby.
  • She took the child outside.


Here and there are common adverbs of place. They give a location relative to the speaker. With verbs of movement, here means "towards or with the speaker" and there means "away from, or not with the speaker".
Come here!Come towards me.
The table is in here.Come with me; we will go see it together.
Put it there.Put it in a place away from me.
The table is in there.Go in; you can see it by yourself.
Here and there are combined with prepositions to make many common adverbial phrases.
  • What are you doing up there?
  • Come over here and look at what I found!
  • The baby is hiding down there under the table.
  • I wonder how my driver's license got stuck under here.
Here and there are placed at the beginning of the sentence in exclamations or when emphasis is needed. They are followed by the verb if the subject is a noun or by a pronoun if the subject is a pronoun.
  • Here comes the bus!
  • There goes the bell!
  • There it is!
  • Here they are!


Many adverbs of place can also be used as prepositions. When used as prepositions, they must be followed by a noun.


Used as an adverb of place, 

modifying a verb
Used as a preposition


The marble rolled around in my hand.

I am wearing a necklace around my neck.


Hurry! You are getting behind.                

Let's hide behind the shed.


Mary fell down.

John made his way carefully down the cliff.


We decided to drop in on Jake.

I dropped the letter in the mailbox.


Let's get off at the next stop.

The wind blew the flowers off the tree.


We rode on for several more hours.

Please put the books on the table.


He turned over and went back to sleep.

I think I will hang the picture over my bed.

Adverbs of place that end in -where express the idea of location without specifying a specific location or direction.


  • I would like to go somewhere warm for my vacation.
  • Is there anywhere I can find a perfect plate of spaghetti around here?
  • I have nowhere to go.
  • I keep running in to Sally everywhere!


Adverbs of place that end in -wards express movement in a particular direction.
  • Cats don't usually walk backwards.
  • The ship sailed westwards.
  • The balloon drifted upwards.
  • We will keep walking homewards until we arrive.
Be careful: Towards is a preposition, not an adverb, so it is always followed by a noun or a pronoun.
  • He walked towards the car.
  • She ran towards me.


Some adverbs of place express both movement & location at the same time.
  • The child went indoors.
  • He lived and worked abroad.
  • Water always flows downhill.
  • The wind pushed us sideways.
Hand in 4-adverb activity through your ClassDojo Portfolio.


Adverbs Describing WHEN

Adverbs of Frequency

Grammar Rule


always go to the cinema.
sometimes watch TV.
never go to museums.


The adverb goes next to the verb.
usually have cereal for breakfast.
She sometimes plays football.

Be careful!

Use ‘how often’ to ask a question.
How often do you play computer games?
sometimes play computer games.

We say... We don’t say...

She always writes her homework. (NOT She always write her homework.)
He sometimes drinks cola. (NOT He drinks sometimes cola.)
Click on the link below to practice adverbs with two online games from the LearnEnglish Kids British Council Website

Online Games grammar-practice/adverbs-frequency

Hand in this British Council activity through your ClassDojo Portfolio.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Adverbs describing HOW

Grammar Rule


I speak English well.
I play tennis badly.
I do my homework correctly.


To create adverbs we normally add -ly:
quick - quickly
slow - slow

Be careful!

'good' is an adjective
'well' is an adverb
This is a good book.
I read well.

We say... We don’t say...

This is a good book. (NOT This is a well book.)
I read well. (NOT I read good.)
Click on the link below to practice adverbs with two online games from the LearnEnglish Kids British Council Website
GAMES grammar-practice/adverbs

Hand in 3-adverb activity through your ClassDojo Portfolio. Don't forget to tell me what verbs are describing those adverbs.


Friday, March 06, 2020

Literacy Term 2 Test

Literacy Exam. Long Use of English. March 16th

1- Cambiar una frase a negativa e interrogativa y decir si están en presente, pasado o futuro.
2- Hacer 3 frases con Can y 2 con Could usando: possibility, permission, ability, instructions, offers.
3- Rebus puzzles
4- Editing- Editar un texto y buscar los errores y corregir los errores.
5- Questions- Escribir las preguntas de las frases dadas.
6- Convertir frases simples en compuestas usando Connectives.
7- Usando las palabras dadas formar Compound Words
8- Dado el sujeto y verbo escribir las formas verbales en presente y pasado (simple, continuo) y las dos formas de futuro dadas.
9- Listening escribir la palabra que se dice.
10- Definitions- escribir la definición con sus propias palabras.

Literacy Exam. Long Reading Comprehension. March 17th

Lectura comprensiva de un texto
1. Unir palabras con sus definiciones
2. Elegir que tipo de texto es.
3. Contestar las preguntas eligiendo una opción y/o con sus propias palabras.
4. Con la información del texto contestar verdadero o falso y copiar la frase del texto que lo demuestra.

Literacy Exam. 1. Short Use of English. March 16th

1- Animal facts. Escribir 5 frases sobre animales usando las palabras dadas.
2- vocabulary y una tabla en el que pongan ways to move, things to eat, places to live.
3- Editar un texto y buscar los errores.
4- Cambiar una frase a negativa e interrogativa y decir si están en presente, pasado o futuro.
5- Escribir las palabras dadas en los huecos correspondientes de unas oraciones.
6- Escribir la palabra que oyen para completar la frase.
7- Dado el sujeto y verbo escribir las formas verbales en presente y pasado y las dos formas de futuro dadas.

Literacy Exam. 1. Short Reading Comprehension. March 17th

Lectura comprensiva de dos textos cortos sobre animales
1- Contestar verdadero o falso
2- Contestar a las preguntas sobre los textos
3- Hacer un dibujo de un animal y escribir un pequeño texto describiéndolo.

Literacy Exam. 2. Short Reading Comprehension. March 17th

Lectura comprensiva de un texto corto sobre Winter
1- Elegir la respuesta correcta
2- Editar un texto y buscar los errores.
3- Unir las frases con sus correspondientes dibujos