Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Reading Buddies

Read Aloud Steps

Spelling games

Easy games to practice your spelling skills

Spell Words Games

Martin Luther King, Jr. Web Quest Year 6

Martin Luther King, Jr. Web Quest

  1. When and where was MLK born?

  1. What kind of work did his father, Martin Luther King, Senior, do?

  1. Did Martin have any brothers or sisters? If so, what were their names?

  1. How did Martin do in middle school and high school?

  1. How old was Martin when he started college?

  1. Where did MLK give his first sermon?

  1. Who did Martin Luther King marry? When was he married? Find an image of his wife.

  1. What was the SCLC? Why was the SCLC important? How was MLK involved in the SCLC?

  1. What was the Montgomery bus boycott? Find an image of a photo taken during the boycott.

  1. Sunday, March 7, 1965, was known as “Bloody Sunday.” What happened on that day?

  1. How many children did Martin have? Do you know their names?

  1. Martin was very much influenced by Mahatma Ghandi? Who was Ghandi? How was Martin influenced by him? Find an image of a map of the country in which Ghandi lived.

  1. Martin Luther King Jr. received many awards in his life, including a Nobel Peace Prize.
Why was the Nobel prize given to MLK and when was it awarded to him?

  1. Where and when was the ‘I Have A Dream” speech made? Find a picture of the important monument near the sight of his speech.

  1. MLK was assassinated by a lone gunman. Where and when did MLK die?

  1. Where is Martin Luther King buried? Find an image of his tomb.

BONUS: List 3 additional facts about MLK.

Suggested Sites:

Students: internet sites for students:  World Book: User: fallmountain Password: nwalpole

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

During English Class


During English Class

Literacy Exams

Martes 3 de diciembre

Use of English examen largo

1. Cambiar una frase a negativa e interrogativa

2. Contestar a las preguntas dadas

3. Dado el sujeto y verbo escribir las formas verbales en presente, presente continuo, pasado y las dos formas de futuro dadas.

4. Definiciones, escribir con sus propias palabras la definición de las palabras dadas

5. Corregir los fallos de un texto

6. Parts of speech. tabla para distribuir las palabras dadas en nombres, adjetivos, preposiciones….

7. Listening, escribir la palabra que se dice

8. Homophones, cambiar los homophones por la palabra correcta.

9. Type of sentences, texto parecido al del cuaderno

Use of English examen adaptado

1. Escribir el nombre de los dibujos en inglés

2. Cambiar una frase a negativa e interrogativa

3. Listening, escribir la palabra que se dice

4. Dado el sujeto y verbo escribir las formas verbales en presente, presente continuo, pasado y las dos formas de futuro dadas.

5. Corregir los fallos de un texto

6. Parts of speech. tabla para distribuir las palabras dadas en nombres, adjetivos, preposiciones….

Miercóles 4 diciembre

Reading Comprehension examen largo


1. Preguntas de verdadero falso

2. Contestar preguntas con respuestas largas (full sentences)

3. Rellenar una tabla con datos del texto

4. Identificar fotos con datos del texto

5. Pasos para hacer un read aloud (lectura en voz alta) (Hoja Read Aloud Steps en el cuaderno)

Reading Comprehension examen adaptado


1. Preguntas de verdadero falso

2. Contestar preguntas con respuestas largas (full sentences)

3. Dibujar lo que se ha entendido del texto y escribir una breve explicación del dibujo

4. Pasos para hacer un read aloud (lectura en voz alta) (Hoja Read Aloud Steps en el cuaderno)

Friday, November 08, 2019

Present Continuous Rally Car

This is an easy game to practice Present Continuous tense. 

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Present Simple and Present Continuous Theory

Present Continuous

Online Game 1

Fling the Teacher Game

Check your progress

Lemon Tree

Lemon Tree by Fools Garden

I'm sitting here in the boring room
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon               
I'm wasting my time
I got nothing to do
I'm hanging around
I'm waiting for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder

I'm driving around in my car
I'm driving too fast
I'm driving too far
I'd like to change my point of view
I feel so lonely
I'm waiting for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder
I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree
I'm sitting here
I miss the power
I'd like to go out taking a shower
But there's a heavy cloud inside my head
I feel so tired
Put myself into bed
While nothing ever happens and I wonder
Isolation is not good for me
Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree
I'm steppin' around in the desert of joy
Baby anyhow I'll get another toy
And everything will happen and you wonder
I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree
And I wonder, wonder
I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see, and all that I can see, and all that I can see
Is just a yellow lemon-tree

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Monster Poem

Create a Monster Poem by filling in the blanks of the template.
You could choose from the different given words.
My Monster

Click on the links for some adjectives to help you.

Colours             Size and Shape

Textures            Comparing Words

Moods               Other Adjectives

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Welcome Back Year 6!!!

After a nice break I hope you all enjoy this wonderful Jack Johnson's song.
 Get ready to make fantastic friends this school year!

See you in class guys!!!!

We're Going to Be Friends By Jack Johnson

Friday, September 06, 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Indefinite Pronouns

We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things without saying exactly who or what they are. We use pronouns ending in -body or -one for people, and pronouns ending in
-thing for things.

We use ANYONE (ANYBODY) only with negative sentences or questions. For affirmative sentences we use SOMEONE (SOMEBODY) and for affirmative sentences with a negative meaning we use NO ONE (NOBODY)

AFFIRMATIVE: SOMEONE told me that you have a new car.
NEGATIVE: NO ONE told me that you have a new car.
INTERROGATIVE: Did ANYONE tell me that you have a new car?

Practice Using Indefinite Pronouns

Monday, June 03, 2019

Literacy Final Exam June 7

Literacy Final Exam June 7

1. Cambiar una frase afirmativa por su negativa e interrogativa.
2. Escribir las preguntas a las respuestas dadas.
3. Clasificar los diferentes títulos de libros según su función (Persuasive, Instructional/Expository, Biography, Narrative)
4. Listening, escribir la palabra que escuchan.
5. Dado el sujeto y el verbo escribir la afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa en presente, pasado, presente y pasado perfecto, presente y pasado continuo y en los dos futuros.
6. Elegir la preposición correcta.
7. Elegir la preposición correcta de tiempo.
8. Dibujar la oración para mostrar el entendimiento de las preposiciones.


1. Cambiar una frase afirmativa por su negativa e interrogativa.
2. Clasificar los diferentes títulos de libros según su función (Persuasive, Instructional/Expository, Biography, Narrative)
3. Listening, escribir la palabra que escuchan.
4. Dado el sujeto y el verbo escribir la afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa en presente, pasado, presente y pasado perfecto, presente y pasado continuo y en los dos futuros.
5. Elegir la preposición correcta.
6. Elegir la preposición correcta de tiempo.
7. Dibujar la oración para mostrar el entendimiento de las preposiciones.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Literacy Exam Friday May 3rd

Literacy Exam 

Friday May 3rd

Reading Comprehension 

2 preguntas de múltiple respuesta (tipo Test)
1 pregunta de elegir un adjetivo que describe al personaje principal y decir porqué.
1 pregunta de verdadero falso.
1 pregunta de decir que tipo de texto es.

Leer las oraciones y decir si están en Activa (A) o pasiva (P)
Elegir una frase en pasiva de las anteriores y escribir su forma activa.
Elegir una frase en activa y escribir su forma pasiva.

De las oraciones subrayar el verbo principal y circular el "Helping Verb"

Completar las oraciones con los "Modal Verbs" dados.

Reading Comprehension Short

Preguntas de verdadero falso.
De las oraciones falsas anteriores, escribirlas para que sean verdad.
Mirando el mapa completar las oraciones con los lugares.
Mirando el dibujo completa con there is/ there isn’t/ there are / there aren’t.
Y escribe dos oraciones más sobre el dibujo.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Literacy Exam March 15th

Literacy Exam. March 15th

1- Cambiar una frase a negativa e interrogativa y decir si están en presente, pasado o futuro.
2- Hacer 3 frases con Can y 2 con Could usando: possibility, permission, ability, instructions and requests, offers and invitations
3- Rebus puzzles
4- Editing- Editar un texto y buscar los errores y corregir los errores.
5- Questions- Escribir las preguntas de las frases dadas.
6- Convertir frases simples en compuestas usando Connectives.
7- Usando las palabras dadas formar Compound Words
8- Dado el sujeto y verbo escribir las formas verbales en presente y pasado (simple, continuo y prefecto) y las dos formas de futuro dadas.
9- Listening escribir la palabra que se dice.
10- Adverbs- Subrayar el adverbio y señalar el verbo que describe, clasificarlos por when, how and where.
11- Definitions- escribir la definición con sus propias palabras.

Literacy Exam Short. March 15th

1- Animal facts. Escribir 5 frases sobre animales usando las palabras dadas.
2- vocabulary y una tabla en el que pongan ways to move, things to eat, places to live.
3- Editar un texto y buscar los errores.
4- Cambiar una frase a negativa e interrogativa y decir si están en presente, pasado o futuro.
5- Escribir las palabras dadas en los huecos correspondientes de unas oraciones.
6- Escribir la palabra que oyen para completar la frase.
7- Dado el sujeto y verbo escribir las formas verbales en presente y pasado y las dos formas de futuro dadas.

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Happy New Year!!

What are you New Year's Resolutions?

My New Year's Resolutions
    I will not throw the cat out the window
    Or put a frog in my sister's bed
    I will not tie my brother's shoelaces together
    Nor jump from the roof of Dad's shed
    I shall remember my aunt's next birthday
    And tidy my room once a week
    I'll not moan at Mum's cooking (Ugh! fish fingers again!)
    Nor give her any more of my cheek.
    I will not pick my nose if I can help it
    I shall fold up my clothes, comb my hair,
    I will say please and thank you (even when I don't mean it)
    And never spit or shout or even swear.
    I shall write each day in my diary
    Try my hardest to be helpful at school
    I shall help old ladies cross roads (even if they don't want to)
    And when others are rude I'll stay cool.
    I'll go to bed with the owls and be up with the larks
    And close every door behind me
    I shall squeeze from the bottom of every toothpaste tube
    And stay where trouble can't find me.
    I shall start again, turn over a new leaf,
    leave my bad old ways forever
    shall I start them this year, or next year
    shall I sometime, or .....?

    Robert Fisher